Words of Commitment: Three Wedding Vows

These three “wedding” vows are words of commitment befitting the pledge between any definition of the couple.
The first is an anonymous reading often used as the personal vows before the legal commitment is made:
You are my best friend, my partner and my true love,
I will love you forever, and under all circumstances,
I will stand by you always, in good times and bad,
I will have faith in you and encourage you in everything that you do,
I will listen to you, laugh with you, and hold you,
I will work with you as we build our lives together,
I will be your best friend, your partner and your true love,
Till death do us part.
Clearly the couple doesn’t have to be heterosexual.
The next two are equally applicable to same-sex couples where, merely as a matter of lexicon, the words “husband/wife” would need to be appropriately tweaked :
From the beginning, I knew you were meant for me. The oceans could not keep us apart; and today, as you become my lawful wife/husband, all is as it should be. I accept you not only as my friend and lover, but also as my teacher and my guide, through the seasons of our new life in marriage.
I will laugh with you in the joys and happiness of the summertimes; I will offer you patience and understanding through the changes of the autumns; I will give you support and tenderness when you most need them in the winters; I will share with you the new beginnings and possibilities of the springtimes. But above all, I will love and honour you as my wife/husband till the end of our days. These are my vows to you.
And :
I give to you my promise that from this day forward you shall not walk alone.
May my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home.
May you always be blessed.
May we walk together through all things.
May you feel deeply loved, for indeed you are.
I give you my heart, for I have no greater gift to give.
I promise I shall do my best.
I shall always try.
I feel so honoured to call you wife/husband.
I feel so blessed to call you mine.
May we feel this joy forever.