Romantic Wedding Poetry from Renaissance Masters

Although these poems originated in Roman times they enjoyed a revival in the Renaissance in the work of Spenser, John Donne, Ben Johnson…one of the finest was the 23 stanza Spenser wrote about each hour of his own wedding day.

If you are looking for an anthology of poetry and prose written for weddings, including the above, you should look at Robert Hass’ and Stephen Mitchell’s classic collection, “ Into the Garden – A Wedding Anthology”.

However there are modern epithalamia too – the poems that are read aloud in wedding ceremonies are just this. They are universally delivered to celebrate the joy of union, bestow felicitations on the couple and invoke blessings and best wishes for future harmony and happiness in marriage. Here is one written by in 2014 and copyrighted to Casarah Nance for some friends, called simply “ Wedding Day.”

Bare feet in the sun
kissed sand, he
stands waiting.
His love for his
bride he takes
pleasure in stating.
Beside him his boy,
the other love of
his fortunate life.
To make a family, a
union, addition of a
mother, friend,
A man with a big
heart, a soul
completed by her
faithful love.
A marriage blessed
by the stars, the
moon and God above.

Bare feet walk along
stone steps, into
the sand her toes
She looks upon the
face of the man she
loves so very much.
One breath by one
breath, step forward
she steps into the
Her heart is open to
a family, a
friendship, a home
with love pure.
Building a
foundation on
family, two soul
mates become one.
Upon the beach
witnessed by many,
blessed by the waves
and sun.

Congratulations to
the groom and bride.
Smiling so sweet
with joy, happiness
and pride.

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