Reflecting on 20 Years of Wedding Celebrations

In 2015 I was delighted to be celebrating such a milestone! All weddings are special but I reflected on the 20th wedding anniversary of my first couples and hoped to re-connect with them in some way. I also looked forward to working with new couples on their wedding and contributing to it the wealth of knowledge and approaches that I have gathered over the years.
There have been many changes in law and in the marriage celebrant program and indeed in the profile of the celebrant profession. However, one thing remains unaltered : the commitment of two people to each other in love and respect. Many of the words that I wrote originally about marriage hold true : “… married life is a shared life, which, generous and sincere, allows a richer future of burdens shared and increased joy… where forgiveness and open communication play a part, marriage will stand up to all the stresses inevitable in life: it is an enduring bond – it does not change under pressure. It is constant and true and knows no measures or conditions.”As your celebrant it is my role to give you as much choice in the wording of your ceremony as possible so that the tone and style you envisage for your day is honoured; it is also my role to ensure that everything is said and heard and registered according to law.
The vows you make to each other are the essence of your wedding day, the essence of your lives together – and it would be my privilege to be witness to them.
The photo is me in 1995!